Reusch is a globally operating company that is a specialist in high-quality gloves once sports equipment.
The company is known for its excellent quality goalkeeper gloves and gloves for winter sports. Reusch has been on the market for more than 85 years, during which time the company has become one of the leading brands specializing in the subject of gloves.
Founded in 1934, Reusch is committed to a clear goal: the continuous development of the best gloves, consisting of high-quality materials, innovative technologies and perfect fit. Reusch’s high competence is defined by the knowledge and skills of those associated with the company, as well as tradition and experience. All of the aforementioned factors ensure that every Reusch product meets the needs of customers.
Extensive knowledge of materials and their application, professional control of the various stages of production, as well as continuous cooperation and exchange of experience with professional athletes make each Reusch collection based on solid foundations.
Reusch has been working for many years with alpine skiing stars and top goalkeepers, who, using the company's products, each year sign their name to the highest quality of the brand’s products.

For more than 85 years, we have been continuously concerting our energies on the improvement and production of top-class ski and goalkeeper gloves. Constant evolution, cooperation with professional athletes allows us to create the most innovative and reliable products in their class.
Jakub Laszczak, Brand Manager REUSCH
Contact us
Every year, alpine skiing stars sign up to the top quality of Reusch products, as well as the top goalkeepers of the top football leagues.
Be like the best and also bet on Reusch!

Janusz Kos
Sales Representative
tel. +48 695 584 010
e-mail: [email protected]
opolskie, dolnośląskie, lubuskie płd., wielkopolskie płd., śląskie (na płn. od autostrady A4)

Wojciech Kotarski
Sales Representative
tel. +48 601 396 618
e-mail: [email protected]
małopolskie, podkarpackie, śląskie (na płd. od autostrady A4)

Rafał Chojnacki
Sales Representative
tel. +48 695 584 020
e-mail: [email protected]
pomorskie, kujawsko-pomorskie, zachodniopomorskie, lubuskie płn., wielkopolskie płn., warmińsko-mazurskie, mazowieckie płn., podlaskie