UVEX is a family-owned company based in Germany, founded in 1926.

In the early 1930s, the brand produced its first goggles. Year after year, the manufacturer increased its product line, offering, in addition to goggles, top-quality ski and bicycle helmets, sports and lifestyle eyewear and protectors.

The name UVEX is an abbreviation for Ultra Violet EXcluded, which means exclusion of ultraviolet, and which is a fundamental feature of the brand’s goggles and glasses. Since 1960, the UVEX brand has been a global symbol, of quality, and German manufacturing further enhances the brand’s prestige.

Factories in Lederdorn and Obernzell, Germany, employ a number of specialists whose job is not only to design and manufacture the brand’s range, but also to carry out a series of tests that confirm the safety of equipment bearing the UVEX logo. A series of rigorous quality tests is designed to provide a guarantee of maximum life protection.

A quick trip to the mountains. Training in the wilderness. Riding in city traffic jams. Competitions that require top form. When you choose Uvex products you are making the best choice. 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. Wherever you ride.

Łukasz Hola, Brand Manager UVEX

Contact us

Safety, quality, style – no matter whether it’s winter or summer sports the Uvex brand is always guided by these three characteristics.
Place your trust in our products and convince yourself of their quality!

Rafał Rotkegel

Sales Representative

tel. +48 661 939 206
e-mail: [email protected]

dolnośląskie, lubulskie, opolskie, śląskie, wielkopolskie, zachodniopomorskie

Emil Kamiński

Sales Representative

tel. +48 601 973 154
e-mail: [email protected]

kujawsko-pomorskie, lubelskie, mazowieckie, podlaskie, pomorskie, warmińsko-mazurskie

Sales Representative

tel. +48 663 800 140

łódzkie, małopolskie, podkarpackie, świętokrzyskie

Bartosz Tyźlik

Junior Brand Manager

Łukasz Hola

Brand Manager